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About Us


Our mission is to offer you a great quality experience through personal yoga training.

Here you will find how big is the gap in between attending Yoga classes in a group class at a gym or a Yoga school, and experience a personal approach towards your own nature and needs, in the confort of your own place, or in our yoga studio, or even at any of the natural open spaces that the Algarve region has to offer you, the beach, woods, or mountain.

Thruthfulness and objectivity are the basic standards of our classes. Certified training and experience in transmiting the knowledge of Yoga are guarantees that we offer in our services. If you find our approach unapropriate or meaningless, if you are not satisfied with the results, you won't have to pay for it.

Visit our website and check if or communication is suitable for your interests in Yoga. If you have any doubt, please feel free to contact us and try to be as specific as possible concerning to your to your needs. We we'll do our best to fulfill your requirement.

© 2012 by Yogalgarve Ricardo Viegas. All rights reserved

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